
Safeguarding / Health & Safety Settings

Transcript below:

How to add Safeguarding or Health and Safety Officers to the Halo Sign-in System.

As a quick overview. We are going to be sharing a photo from an iPhone to the iPad and then assigning it to a staff member. If you already have a digital photo of the staff member in question, email it to any iPhone and save the photo to the camera roll. It can always be deleted once it's been sent to the iPad. If you don't already have a photo, choose a well-lit area in the building and take a photo of the staff member with an iPhone so that it's saved to your camera roll.

The first step is to enable AirDrop on the iPad. To do this, remove the iPad from the enclosure and swipe down from the top right-hand corner of the iPad screen as shown here. Next, tap on the Airdrop icon and change the setting to "Everyone for 10 minutes". Then tap anywhere on the screen to close the menu.

Now open the photo on your iPhone and tap the share button, this icon looks like a square with an arrow coming out of the top. Then tap on Airdrop and look for the icon for Halo Sign-in. Tap on the Halo Sign-in icon and you should see a blue circle going around the icon and the word Sent underneath.

Moving over to the iPad, you should see an "AirDrop from iPhone" message appear at the top of the screen and then the photo will automatically pop up. Once this has happened, close out of the photos app and go back to your Sign-in System App.

Tap the settings cog in the upper left-hand corner. And then either enter your username and password or scan your Admin Card to access the Settings.

From here tap on Staff Overview. In this example, let's make William Shaw a Safeguarding Officer. Tap on William Shaw's name to open his detailed view. Then tap to change Safeguarding Officer from No to Yes. As a side note, if you want to remove someone's details from the safeguarding screen, just change their Safeguarding Officer switch from Yes to No. Now let's add his picture by tapping the Add Photo button and choosing his photo. You can also tap on the Safeguarding Info button to change his role title and add a phone number to contact in case of a concern.

Tap on the X to close the safeguarding info window.

Now that we've made William a Safeguarding Officer, let's choose where his details will be displayed. Tap the back button in the top left-hand corer and then choose Safeguarding from the left-hand menu. Tap Safeguarding Officers then Choose a slot where it says Select Officer to place William's photo and details. Tap on William's name in the list and his details are added.

Now let's have a look at what your new Safeguarding page looks like. Tap anywhere on the screen to close the menu and then press Home in the top left-hand corner. Now tap the Safeguarding button in the bottom right-hand corner to see your updated safeguarding screen.


Managing Staff on the Halo Sign-in System